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Monday, August 9, 2010

The Difference Between Being Famous && Being Popular

Truth over fame, you know I respect the blatant shit
When I hear dem talkin, I just dont know what to make of it!

Everyday I see someone saying that they are "Famous" && I laugh 
Do you people even know what fame is?? Fame does not have anything to do with having 5000 friends on facebook, people talking to you everyday, people wanting to know you, or from you trying to imitate celebrities by wearing what they wear!
Being Famous  is so much more than that ...its not an image you have to portray to get notice. When you are famous ,you are well known for something good [not always the case] butttt yea!..., -->When you are famous ,you are either an entertainer or you involved with one to get notice mami. 
Famous people are known ALL OVER THE WORLD ....ask yourself this question for me ...are you known all over the world??   ..and i bet you will get this answer "NO"
Michael Jackson was famous
Rihanna is Famous
Chris Brown is Famous
Taraji P Henson is Famous
Cuba Gooding Jr is Famous
Those people are entertainers and are known all over the world  for what they do, whether it is singing or acting or both!  ..You people who want fame ...i bet can't last a day in that lifestyle because it is not for you.
All you guys want, is to wear the latest && most expensive shit! ...and then run yourselves in to debt #smdh
So what you guys are and need to start calling yourselves is "Popular" OK??
You guys are popular in your hometown or where you live., because no one outside may not even know you.

My one year old niece knows Michael Jackson because he was that big of a MegaSuperStar
So if my one year old niece dnt know you then this is what to do

 You just popular dear



Keep Your Friends Close && Your Enemies Closer

Hmmmm  ...I bet many of you hear this saying all the time.
But what really do people mean when they say this? I have a couple questions to ask.
What is a Friend? What does a Friend do? What is the true meaning of the word Friend && lastly Do you have any "Friends"?
When you were going up in your younger days, all it took was a "Hi", my name is "whatever" and you can become friends with any person that was there. You met friends in the weirdest places like in a play park, on the beach or even at the clinic. But today it is not that easy anymore have to be careful with the people you call your "friends".
The people who are closest to you, are most likely, the ones to betray you. You just can't meet someone in a day, then next two weeks you both are the bestest of friends, how did that happen? It takes more than a year for you to know a person fully and even more than that to trust them. Things like having a friend does not just occur over a weekend or a couple nights on the phone. It may sometimes even take your whole lifetime for you to really know a person.
You may have friends who you tell everything to and then when one of the secrets get out ...the only person you told it to IS  the person who told others, think about it for a min!          ....[minute up]
You just can not run about and tell Tom Dick && Harry everything about you just because they say that they are you friend.
When you have someone that will be there for you through thick && thin, someone that when you need a shoulder to lean on, will be there for you, someone that would come running if you called in the "middle" of the night no matter how sleepy they are, someone who would go all out of their way just to see you happy ... someone who does not envy you, or wish that their life was just like yours no matter what problems they were going through, someone that will ALWAYS be there for you no matter what! && when they say they love you they dnt have to put that ish [no homo ]  ..cause they mean it ..but in a good way.
So I want all of you guys to sit and watch your friends , how they act when you ask for a simple thing say "hey can i borrow a dollar, i will give you it back tomorrow ...and they give you that dumb look, which means "Don't be stupid! dnt have to give me back a dollar!], look at how they treat you && themselves,
get to know persons ....&& i mean really sit and get to know everything there is to know about them.
Even the silliest things.
&& also be careful of the wolves in sheep clothing && the back stabbers out there. The ones who pretend to be your friends just to get information out of you and just to go around and talk your name. Persons like that are no good  ...The back stabbers, trust me if they back stab you once  ... don't ever think that they wont do it again! #thatsafact
People get to know the persons you are hanging out with && telling all you business to, because if you don't that is something that you might end up regretting later on in life.
&& in this lifetime and generation I do not think that anyone wants to live with regrets of not choosing their "friends" wisely.

Love <3
Laugh =)


Friday, August 6, 2010

Welcome To Hollywood ...Don't Let This Town Ruin You!

The title of this blog is actually a line in a song
which is Light Up by Drake ft Jay-z ... It is also on my page[Check It Out]

When I first heard this, that line in the song ... for some reason it stuck out at me and i loved it
and it is actually a true saying. When people become famous or enter the "spotlight", the pressures of  Hollywood seem to impact on them and may sometimes change them.
People oh so badly want to become famous that they would do anything and everything to either get notice or get well known, and it really amazes me what ordinary people do.
Being an entertainer is not just being famous and having fans and wearing the latest Gucci or Prada. It is about giving the fans what they want ...because without them maybe you wouldn't be that big in the first place.
So many people just want to get into that business, that they let the influences around them control them and what they do.
To be honest i doubt most of them can even think for themselves.
The Late Michael Jackson ,from what I saw he give and how much he dedicated his life to his career was a true Entertainer and honestly I dnt EVER think there will be anyone as GREAT as him or can come close ...-HE WAS JUST THAT AMAZING!
Some people forget who they are, change their whole lifestyle, change everything about them to "FIT' in with Hollywood. But remember that Hollywood is just a place that only God knows will be there millions of years after you have died and gone alone ....
So the question is Why let  it ruin you??? ...You The entertainers have a God-Given talent that you were blessed with!  ..Use it wisely
&& remember Let Hollywood follow you and not the other way around!



Some people keep asking what life is and what is its purpose?
But to be completely honest I don't think that anyone knows what life is.
You are the one who makes your life the way it is.
What you do,what you say!
So The best advice that I can give you is
To make your Life count
Live like your dying
Have Fun
Be You && Be Responsible!
